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Our Authors


Mr. Abhijit Basu is an associated member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and Masters in Business Administration with dual specialization in Finance and Human Resources. He has 14 years of work experience on Alternative Investments in a renowned financial product company. He has keen interest in sports, music and reading. Biographies however enlighten and inspire him to sustain and survive the battle each day.


During the tenure of his service, he had the opportunity to travel different parts of the world to serve the end clients of the organization. This conjointly opened up a window for him to encounter with the innumerable versatility of thoughts. The incredible experiences gained over a period of time helped him to collaborate the thoughts into short stories. It was nothing more than an adventure to analyse a conjuncture from different angles. All seemed so very right and in place at the end of the day.



Uma Sarangan is a content writer by profession with more than 10 years of experience in various domains. Though a Computer Science Postgraduate, with a brief stint in the IT industry, she discovered that it was in writing her real passion lay.


As she had been into poetry since her college days, winning in poetry competitions; alongside a prize in the National Poetry Contest, organized by the Asian Age in 2007, it was but natural that she took to writing as a fulltime career.


And when she is not dabbling with words, she is ever nosing around for tomes of all shapes/sizes/genres, as she is a voracious reader!


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