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Writer's pictureMark Fly

Abhijit Basu Bags a Publishing Deal from Mark-Fly Publishers

His title, "Fallen in love with" is a tale of nine short stories about nature and creation of mankind.

Abhijit Basu from Kolkata, is a Chartered Accountant and a Master in Business Administration with dual specialisation in Finance and Human Resources.

He is currently serving as a Senior Manager in the role of a Business Analyst, on Alternative Investments in one of the renowned IT companies.

He has a keen interest in the most magical creation of nature, mankind. He drives his energy from meeting and discussing with the human race about the diverse circumstances one has come across. Life is a beautiful one time gift for him and never to be decayed.

It is the first book authored by him. The author portrayed multiple facets of life and tried to enlighten the true value of our existence. All these aspects are bundled into nine short stories in this book. Human race is the most magical creation of nature and dealing with their relationship is furthermore interesting. The author made an effort to collaborate a handful of instances of this vast versatility of life in his book through his stories. It is an insight of the unknown world of known events.

Published by Mark-Fly Publishers.

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